“Focusing on providing confidence that quality requirements will be fulfilled and risks will be addressed, at EXL Consulting we have been certified with ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System”
As of 2021 at EXL Consulting, we have been working in accordance with the ISO 9001:2015 standard, implementing a management model that ensures the anticipated quality of our products and services. Our aim is to make it clear to our clients, our partners, our staff members and the outside world that customer satisfaction is at the core of our business.
ISO 9001:2015 integrates a systematic and process-driven approach to managing a commercial enterprise that has proven to make business owners and managers feel more in control, ensuring everyone within the organization has a clear sense of what they do and a framework to resolve problems quickly and efficiently.
COVID-19 has thoroughly disrupted lives, economies and industries. While most companies probably weren’t preparing for a pandemic, following regulations and standards helps in every crisis. Hence, our decision to go for ISO 9001:2015 gives an extra layer of assurance to our clients, employees, suppliers, and management team.
Without going into details about ISO 9001:2015, we selected some significant extracts about its benefits:
“An organization focused on quality promotes a culture that results in the behavior, attitudes, activities and processes that deliver value through fulfilling the needs and expectations of customers and other relevant interested parties”.
“The quality of an organization’s products and services is determined by the ability to satisfy customers and the intended and unintended impact on relevant interested parties”.
“The quality of products and services includes not only their intended function and performance, but also their perceived value and benefit to the customer.”
In these very turbulent times, the important thing an organization needs to do is to recognize the need for changes and to implement these changes in a timely manner.
A Quality Management System can help an organization do this in a way that is both systematic and agile.